The Jakarta Post
Fiqh analysis
explores religion and gender issues
Fiqh Perempuan,
Refleksi Kiai atas Wacana Agama dan Gender (Islamic
law and woman, a
scholar's reflection on religious and gender
issues); K.H. Husein
Muhammad; LKiS, Yogyakarta, 2001,; 190 pp.+ xxxv)
JAKARTA (JP): It has
been long argued that Islam "discourages" women.
To some extent, this
judgment is true. Looking at the Koran, one
finds it difficult
not to assume that a number of verses in the Koran
has strongly
gender-biased overtones. It is stated that leadership is
exclusively in the
hands of men; it is men who lead over women. It is
also stated that
women inherit only half a portion, while men inherit
the full portion.
Also women's testimony should be based on at least
two persons, while
one man's testimony will be fully accepted.
The most
controversial issue regarding man-woman relationship is the
justification for
man to have more than one wife. According to Islam,
a man can be
polygamous if he can meet all the requirements.
For the
"special" men, polygamy is sometimes highly recommended. This
is still practiced
in Muslim communities today. Rather than solving
problems, polygamy
causes other problems such as violence against
In the narratives of
the Prophet, women are depicted more poorly than
men in the Koran. It
is stated that women were created from men's
bent rib. Thus it is
interpreted from this allegory that women are as
difficult to
straighten. So that makes women fragile and thus should
be treated gently.
According to the exegesis of the Koran, it was Eve
who seduced Adam to
taste the forbidden fruit, resulting in both of
them being banished
from Heaven. A similar story was one of Joseph
and Zulaikha, where
Joseph was seduced by Zulaikha into an incestuous
Based on these,
women are perceived as emotional and men, rational.
Woman are also
supposed to be beautiful, soft, impulsive, patient but
lack intelligence.
On the other hand, men are supposed to be
powerful, alert,
clever but lack patience. It is assumed that these
qualities of men and
women were created to complement each other.
"They are your
clothes, you are their clothes," says the Koran.
According to the
Koran, God created both men and women with these so-
called fitrah
(predispositions). However, some people reject this
asserting that these qualities are not inherent in men
and women, but
socially constructed and therefore interchangeable.
Fiqh (Islamic law)
is very much influenced by this biased perspective
where women are
subordinate to men. It is often suspected as the most
biased gender aspect
of Islam. Men's hegemony over women has been
created. First, it begins with several sacred texts.
Second, from these
sacred texts, fiqh expounds on the concepts of
devotion, marriage,
leadership, inheritance, wifehood and motherhood,
thus maintaining the
patriarchal system.
In the context of
religious life, it is necessary to mention a
classical Islamic
text called Uqud al-Lujain (Transactions of
couples), written by
a 19th century Bantenese ulama, Muhammad Nawawi.
This work is
believed to have played an important role in preserving
According to Nawawi's narrative, when a wife turns down
her husband's desire
to make love, all the Angels in Heaven will
condemn her until
dawn breaks."
From hegemony to
Nawawi is strongly
criticized for being too dependent on weak
sources. Critics say
most of his arguments are taken from apocryphal
Surprisingly, this
work is regarded as the most representative
reference in
traditional Islamic scholarship regarding man-woman
relationship. It is
still widely used in pesantren (Islamic boarding
schools) in
Indonesia as well as in Southeast Asian countries.
As modernization
comes to the Muslim world, this unbalanced structure
is increasingly
being opposed. It is argued that this structure
should be reformed
to make men and women copartners.
The reformation of
this old-fashioned structure, however, is no easy
task. The reason for
this is that it is related to the overall
structure of Islamic
thought, which, since the beginning, has
championed the
patriarchal system. But this is not to suggest that
Islam tolerates a
form of discrimination against women.
writes Husein Muhammad, "has never tolerated any form of
discrimination. The
best solution to this is to reconstruct and
reinterpret the
sacred texts and adapt them to the current
According to
progressive ideas, Islam was not revealed from a vacuum
state. If this
proposition is understood correctly, some parts of
Islamic teachings,
including those on man-woman relationship, have
been laid down on
the basis of local and temporal needs. It means
that what is
important is not what was literally revealed to the
Prophet, but rather
the spirit underlying the revelation.
This spirit is
perceived by most Muslim scholars as the spirit of
change. Some gender
activists even dare to say that it is time
"demasculinize" religious paradigms. But this is not to say that
"demasculinization" is a shift from patriarchy to matriarchy.
Gender movement is
not intended to create a new form of
discrimination, one
that is against men. It is expected to create a
better world for
This book is written
by Husein Muhammad, a kyai from Cirebon and head
of a pesantren. One
lesson taken from this book is that fiqh actually
gives us an
abundance of perspectives regarding man-woman
ranging from the most conservative to the liberal.
In the introduction
of this book, Andr‚e Feillard, a French scholar,
is quite right in
saying that Husein has given valuable contribution
to the compilation
of Islamic laws on women. The book sheds new light
on the gender
movement in Indonesia
Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012
aRtikel wAnita Muslimah
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